In Union There Is Strength


Special Six-Week Series: 

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In Union There is Strength
by, Carla Flores, Ministry Apprentice

Spanish Translation

      In 2018, there was a crisis at the Mexico–United States border. Thousands of people facing deportation were being torn away from their families. Children, being separated from their parents, were being placed in detention facilities where they slept on thin mats and cried to see a recognizable face. Thousands of people around the country began protesting, including myself. These detention facilities were treating immigrants and their children terribly and we were outraged. Brown, black, and white brothers and sisters linked arms and yelled until our voices were heard. We knew what was happening to immigrants was cruel and wrong, and together we were stronger. 

     The Black community has been yelling to be heard, friends. As immigrants and Latinos, we know what it’s like to be oppressed and discriminated against. When we ran to the streets and protested, our black brothers and sister ran to our side. Now, we must do the same! In union there is strength and the Bible reminds us of that in Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 - “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

     The scripture says it all. Two can defend themselves. Latino community, rise up! Stand and link arms with our Black brothers and sisters. Let’s help them in their fight as they have helped us in ours! We are in this together because the dehumanizing policies that deport us and separate children from their families are branches of the same evil tree that killed George Floyd. Fighting systemic injustices together can make a bigger impact and difference in both of our communities.

    There are tangible and impactful ways that as Latinos we can be involved in fighting for the Black community. We can begin by educating ourselves and those around us about the injustices that the Black community has endured for hundreds of years. We can sign petitions, attend protests, support black-owned businesses, and continue listening and loving our Black brothers and sisters. 

    Black community let us be the second strand in your cord. Let us fight with you because in union there is strength.

Over the next six weeks, we will dedicate our Adelante Express to exploring themes related to the concept of the Imago Dei and racial justice. We invite you to follow this series and explore what it means to love our neighbor and see the image of God in them.


White Supremacy in the American Church


Special Six-Week Series: 


White Supremacy in the American Church
by, Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Spanish Translation

Will the white, Evangelical church in America ever open its eyes to the devastation that racism and the endemic ideology of white supremacy inflicts upon our black brothers and sisters? The events of the last two weeks have moved more white pastors and Christians to make statements against racism. Unfortunately, however, a barely conscious belief in white superiority and dominance still permeates the white church, our mentality, and our society to a degree that is not so easily undone. The white church in America has suffered this crippling spiritual disease since before the founding of our country.

For more than two centuries, white men and women in the United States of America enslaved our black brothers and sisters. By 1860, the U.S. census counted 31 million people, almost 4 million of whom were enslaved. In other words, nearly 12% of the entire population of the United States of American lived under the brutal weight of slavery. It’s a sick and devastating irony that the Christian church in America not only accepted this horrific practice, but also developed doctrines to explicitly support and defend it. A classic pillar of the “Christian” proslavery argument states: “It is in the order of Providence that one man should be subservient to another.” Frederick Douglass, the famous abolitionist, denounced Southern Christianity, calling it “corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land.” While White Southern Christianity was infected and corrupted through and through by these evil doctrines, the white church in the North spent 200 years accommodating their Southern brothers and absorbing a more subtle mentality of white supremacy. 1

In his famous speech, What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?, Douglass lamented about the Christian church in the North and South calling the church itself the “bulwark of American slavery”. He challenged Christian pastors throughout the nation saying they “have shamelessly given the sanction of religion and the Bible to the whole slave system.” In doing so, he charged them with preaching an abominable faith that “makes God a respecter of persons, denies His fatherhood over the race, and tramples in the dust the great truth of the brotherhood of man.”

The institution of slavery was ended violently, through our nation’s only civil war. But the mentality and the doctrines that permitted and supported it naturally did not die when Lee surrendered to Grant in 1865. The evil monster of white supremacy, which had become an active part of the daily life and even of the “Christian” faith of so many, still roamed wild, barely restrained by emancipation and madder than hell. It devised new ways to wreak havoc on people of color. It permeated the laws and the justice system and created a comprehensive code of legal and societal oppression known as Jim Crow laws.  

When I was a young boy in the 1970s, I didn’t grasp the recency of the Civil Rights Movement. I learned some things about it, but I never pondered the fact that Dr. King had been assassinated just two years before I was born. “Bloody Sunday” and King’s march from Selma occurred just 5 years before my birth. It turns out I was growing up in the immediate aftermath of the Civil Rights movement, and I didn’t even know it! My own journey underscores how oblivious most white people are to the near realities of racial injustice in our present and recent past. This lack of awareness afflicts the white Evangelical church and, coupled with a toxic allegiance to a political ideology, is part of our blindness to issues of race that continue today.  

Though I don’t know any Christians who would openly embrace the ideology of white supremacy, that doesn’t mean the mentality doesn’t continue to live in our hearts and find expression in our actions today. We didn’t mind putting a white nationalist in the White House. We adamantly deny the existence of systemic racism. We disparage black athletes who use their platform to call attention to racial injustice. According to many white Evangelicals, our first black president was a Muslim, a socialist, was going to take away our guns, hates America, and wasn’t a natural-born citizen. Many of us express a condescending view of black people as we dismiss their experiences and believe that they lack the intelligence or education to think for themselves. Some assert that our black brothers and sisters blindly follow political leaders who are just trying to make them dependent on the government. In white circles, we complain that black people would rather live on welfare than work for a living. When it’s just the good ‘ole boys, we compare one minority group to another, making judgments and generalizations about which one has a better work ethic and which group values the family more. We criticize the music, the wardrobe, the culture, the purchasing decisions, and the hairstyles of people of color. We sit in the seat of power, judgment, leadership, wealth, resources, education, and theological orthodoxy, enjoying prominence in every area of our society, and we are indignant if anyone dares to suggest that we set it up that way or that we receive any benefit from it that might be called “privilege.” At the same time, we’ll fight tooth and nail to keep from losing this position of privilege we deny we have. We refuse to affirm the value of black lives. And, we believe in our hearts that the reason black people are dying and being incarcerated in higher proportions has something to do with their inferior character. To top it off, we feel really great when we talk about “racial reconciliation” and “unity”, but we recoil at the idea of “racial justice”. White Church, I hate to break it to you- we still have a serious problem with white supremacy.

  1. Frederick Douglass: American Prophet, D.H. Dilbeck, The University of North Carolina Press, 2018, p.3

This is the second article in our Imago Dei series, addressing issues of racial justice. If you are challenged and want to learn more, we invite you to continue to follow along as we include different voices in the discussion over the next several weeks.


Suffocating the Imago Dei

Special Six-Week Series: 


Suffocating the Imago Dei
by, Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Spanish Translation 

Shining In George Floyd’s eyes, as he struggled beneath the suffocating knee of an officer of the law, was the image of God.  God’s eyes shined in George’s eyes, God’s heartbeat in George’s heart, God’s breath moved in George’s breath- until George’s life was extinguished. 

Amaud Arbery ran because he loved to run.  He ran on legs, with lungs, with a heart given to him by his Creator.  Two white men chased him down in their pickup truck with guns.  Confrontation, struggle, shotgun. The Imago Dei bled out in broad daylight on a Georgia street.

Breonna Taylor slept, safe in her own apartment.  Rest is built into the fabric of creation, because our Creator worked six days and then rested.  Day turns to night, summer turns to winter, and Breonna Taylor, even as she rested, displayed something of the image of God- until officers, in careless disregard, broke in and shot her to death- by mistake.

“The whole concept of the imago Dei, as it is expressed in Latin, the ‘image of God,’ is the idea that all men have something within them that God injected.  Not that they have substantial unity with God, but that every man has a capacity to have fellowship with God.  And this gives him a uniqueness, it gives him worth, it gives him dignity.  And we must never forget this as a nation: there are not gradations in the image of God…  We will know one day that God made us to live together as brothers and to respect the dignity and worth of every man.”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” - Genesis 1:27

So much of Christian theology is established in the first three chapters of Genesis.  Who is God?  Who are humans?  Any serious study of the doctrine of mankind includes the concept of Imago Dei.  Like so many other core Christian doctrines, the foundation that is laid in Genesis is then expanded and applied in the rest of scripture.  When Jesus connects the two Greatest Commandments, He is saying that loving God and loving neighbor are inseparably intertwined.  If you don’t love your neighbor, who you can see, how can you possibly love God, whom you cannotYou see, our neighbor is stamped with the Imago Dei.  When Jesus says “whenever you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it to me”, He is challenging us to see the Imago Dei in our brothers and sisters and act accordingly toward them.  Likewise, if we ignore or minimize our brothers’ suffering, we ignore and minimize the suffering of Jesus.  The doctrine of the Imago Dei places a unique and immense value on the life of every human being.  Racism strips a life of this value.  It is not only an affront to our neighbor, but it is an affront to the God whose image He bears.  

Weeping, gut-wrenching pain, hearts ripped into a million shreds, black hearts bearing the burden of centuries of injustice and oppression in the land of the free.  Cold, white knuckles grasping power, defending the indefensible, excusing the inexcusable, elevating ideology to justify the unjustifiable.  Heaping scorn on people protesting oppression from a comfortable place of privilege.  Smoke-screen arguments, intentionally misunderstanding issues to uphold agendas.  Ideologies of white supremacy permeating churches and institutions- insidious, clandestine, unrecognized by those who reap its reward.  Is the White, Evangelical Church really still on the wrong side of racial justice?  Latino brothers and sisters- where are you?  You receive racism, do you also inflict it on others?  Refugee friends- will you receive mercy one day and judge your neighbor without it the next?  

Let me ask you where you stand.  WHERE DO YOU STAND?  As for me and my house, we will repent of the hidden sin in our own hearts.  As for me and my house, we will choose to see and value the image of God in each person.  As for me and my house, we will plant our feet firmly in solidarity with our black brothers and sisters and join them in the cry for justice.   As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Over the next six weeks, we will dedicate our Adelante Express to exploring themes related to the concept of the Imago Dei and racial justice. We invite you to follow this series and explore what it means to love our neighbor and see the image of God in them.

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Summer 2020 Trimester


Summer 2020 Trimester

Written by Yanelis Lopez, Ministry Director

Spanish Translation 

    In difficult times, we can either become stuck or we can overcome- transformed and ready for a greater impact. It has been weeks of ups and downs and we are finally seeing a way out. After the storm, there is always peace. We hope and pray that from now on we will continue in victory, and what we have experienced will be left behind as a dark chapter in which we lost, but also won.

The most exciting time for all of us at Mission Adelante is the beginning of each trimester. We miss the faces of our participants and volunteers and the good conversations we have with them. We are ready to start our programs! Starting June 1st, we will begin having programs for kids, youth, and adults to continue sharing and learning from one another. Keeping small groups, taking care of social distancing, and using masks inside the building will be some of the steps our team will take to prioritize taking care of our community and keeping everyone safe.

We look forward to a fun trimester full of kids’ and youth’s laughter and the beginning of new friendships! We pray that each student who comes with the hope of becoming a citizen of this country will achieve their dream and that the English language for many will become more natural to speak and understand. Thanks to all the volunteers who are joining this family in the coming months, we appreciate you so much, you make all of this possible!

Citizenship class participants and volunteers pose for a end-of-trimester picture!

Citizenship class participants and volunteers pose for a end-of-trimester picture!

Creating History

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Creating History
by Carla Flores, Ministry Apprentice

Spanish Translation 

Three weeks ago, I officially graduated with my bachelor’s degree. Since then, I have really been reflecting on what it means to create history. For me, receiving this degree was creating a historical change in my family dynamics. I was the first in both my immediate and extended family to graduate from college. This also means I am now a part of the 14% of Latinas in the U.S. that have a bachelor’s degree! At first, I was upset that the pandemic affected the way my student teaching experience ended and my graduation plans. But during these weeks, I realized something that thrilled me: Class of 2020, we are a part of history forever! Amidst a pandemic, God gave us strength, flexibility, and motivation to prevail and create history.

Every person has their own history and graduating is only a sliver of mine. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has a beautiful and fruitful plan for each one of us. With this verse in mind, I began thinking about the people God had placed in my life that have been part of my history. I thought about my parents and the sacrifices they had made for me to be where I am today. I thought about my childhood friend, Amy, who taught me the meaning of loving someone like family. I thought about my coworker and friend, Shannon, who with her generous spirit taught me what it means to live selflessly. All these people had crossed paths with me and taught me valuable lessons that would shape my history. However, one person in particular, helped me establish a relationship with Jesus and this is something that I am immensely thankful for. 

Jessie Chastain has been part of the Mission Adelante family for a little over 9 years. She first began volunteering in Leaders in Training (L.I.T) in January 2011. Since then, Jessie has positively impacted the lives of many young people in our community, including my own. In 2014, I was brand new to Teens Adelante and Jessie took me under her wing. I shared family troubles with her and she gave me compassion and understanding. She taught me how to pray and encouraged me to share my thoughts when we were in Bible study. But most importantly, Jessie set down the foundational groundwork for my relationship with Jesus. She planted little seeds in me that with time and patience would grow into faith. My relationship with Jessie has not changed, today I can run to Jessie with anything and know that I will be greeted with listening ears and a big heart. The most amazing part is that she continues planting those seeds and being a light for many young people in our community now. 

We all have our God-written histories filled with God-sent people. For me and many others, it was Jessie who inspired us to push through and lean into Jesus. I encourage you to take some of this time to really focus on those who have helped you create your own history.

Calm in the Storm: Week 8

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 8: Generosity in the Storm
by, Shannon Schafer, Operations Director

Spanish Translation 

As a member of the Operations Team at Mission Adelante, I normally don’t write Adelante Express articles. After all, who really wants to read about bookkeeping or building maintenance? But during the past few months of uncertainty and need caused by COVID-19, one of my responsibilities, fulfilling approved benevolence requests, has dominated a significant portion of my time. As Jarrett Meek, our Executive Director, reported a few weeks ago, 85% of immigrant families that we surveyed have lost income due to the shut-down. As of the writing of this article, Mission Adelante has assisted 35 families from our community pay at least one bill and over 100 families buy food. But the great need in our community is not the focus of this article. The reason I am writing is to highlight the amazing generosity that I have witnessed.

The generosity that I have seen over the past couple months reminds me of the Macedonian church that the Apostle Paul writes about in 2 Corinthians 8: 2-3:

“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own.”

COVID-19 has been a trial for everyone, affecting some more severely than others. But the pandemic has also been an opportunity for partners and community members to demonstrate the love of Christ as they turn outward instead of just inward- giving generously to help others even as they deal with their own circumstances and fears.

As of today, donors have given just over $45,000 to our benevolence fund with the specific desire to help our community make it through this storm! In addition, several families and community groups have purchased and delivered food baskets for us to give out. Without this support from our partners, Mission Adelante would not be in a position to help so many families with their physical needs.

In the past couple of months, I have also witnessed or heard from staff how community members are giving of themselves to help their neighbors. The following is a taste of what is going on in our community:

  • One of our ESL students has been out of work due to COVID-19. We helped her with some bills and offered to bring her a food basket. She requested a few extra food baskets to give to neighbors and friends in need. She ended up giving out ALL of the baskets, not keeping anything for herself. 

  • We have helped various families pay their rent. We have asked landlords to accept 80% of the normal rent payment that we pay directly to them. Most of the landlords have agreed with little hesitation, stating their desire to help their tenants as much as possible.

  • Mission Adelante staff made calls to all of our current participants a few weeks ago, letting families know about resources we could offer like a gift card for groceries. While many of our families gratefully accepted, 28 of the families we contacted turned down the assistance, many of them saying that it should be used for those with greater needs. One of our ESL students even asked how he could donate to Mission Adelante.

  • Other community members have been caring for their neighbors by bringing food to others. One of our ESL students/Arts Community volunteers brought homemade cookies to different families in our neighborhood (I was one lucky recipient). My foster daughter, who loves to cook, asked if she could make tamales and other food that we have delivered to community members. Our church community has also rallied around a local family, providing dinners for them. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has been and continues to be a great trial. But we serve an even greater God. And I am thankful for all the ways that He is working through His people. Our partners and community members are truly putting their faith into action through their generosity to their neighbors.

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Calm in the Storm: Week 7

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 7: Thankful
by, Laxmi Gurung, Refugee Ministries Coordinator

Spanish Translation 

Last week, I was able to return to Kansas from visiting my family. This time with them was one of the most unforgettable moments in my life. It taught me to live for the simple moments and appreciate the relationships I have with my loved ones. I felt so blessed, and I couldn’t stop thanking God, because not many people were able to be with their loved ones during this difficult time. I kept thinking of those who are facing this time alone, because I can't imagine how I would have done it without my family. 

Laxmi (right) with her sister and dad!

Laxmi (right) with her sister and dad!

My family means everything to me and when they moved to Pennsylvania there were so many things that I missed doing with them. My dad loves cooking and I love eating. While I was in Pennsylvania, he made a lot of my favorite Nepali dishes. After a long time, it was good to see my dad enjoy cooking and serving his family. I was also able to help my little brother with his online classes and make my sister her favorite, spicy Nepali snacks (chatpate) almost every night. There were nights we played card games, completed puzzles, and watched old movies together until we fell asleep. My grandparents like gardening and I learned a few lessons from them on how to plant chilies and tomatoes. I’m not a gardening person but being able to spend time with them made me feel so blessed and happy. My grandparents were upset that I had not moved with them.

When I went to visit them they were very happy to see me, but they didn’t want me to come back to Kansas. However, I knew that it was time for me to come back because of all the responsibilities I have as a grown-up. While I was there, I stayed connected with my co-workers and my program groups online. But, I still felt like something was missing because I was far away. I loved being with my family, but I also wanted to be there for my community during this difficult time. 

Silly picture time at Refugee Youth Club!

Silly picture time at Refugee Youth Club!

As soon as I came back to Kansas, I started calling the people that were in my programs about their needs during this time. Mission Adelante was providing food baskets and gift cards for families in our community. I made an appointment with each family and I was really excited to meet them. I still had to be cautious and wear a mask and gloves. A few days ago, I went grocery shopping for one of the families that are involved in our programs because the husband had tested positive for Covid-19. I’m glad that I was able to help them during this time.

Also, last week a girl from Refugee Youth Club had a birthday! A volunteer, Laina Willoughby, had this amazing idea of dropping off a piece of cake at every girl’s house and eating together during our video call to celebrate. She made a delicious cheesecake and Phul Maya and I helped distribute them. We always celebrate birthdays together and we didn't want to miss this one!

Since I have come back, I finally feel like I'm doing something for my community. I am very thankful to God for giving me a wonderful time with my family, but I'm also glad to be back and involved in the community. Being able to support people in the community during this difficult time is such a blessing. I just can’t wait for our summer trimester to start so I can see all our amazing volunteers and precious kids! Let's all keep praying for each other and for everything to go back to normal.

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Calm in the Storm: Week 6

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 6: A Sudden Change
by, Megan Fountain, Director of Latino Kids Ministries

Spanish Translation 

A year ago, none of us could have imagined how much our lives would change. We were finishing up our Easter celebrations and preparing the kids for the end of the school year.  We were beginning to think about what fun things we would do in the summer. A year ago, an excited bunch of juniors were about to embark on their final year of high school with no idea of the challenges they would face.

The high school seniors of our community have had to endure the loss of so many dreams in this season. Nataly and Ashley are two young women that have grown up at Mission Adelante. They participated in Kids Adelante and in our tutoring program (L.I.T) for many years. As high school seniors, they have a unique perspective on how the virus has affected their lives. They allowed me to interview them and I am so proud of their perseverance during this uncertain season.

Ashley (right) and Rachel hug after Arts Camp 2019!

Ashley (right) and Rachel hug after Arts Camp 2019!

What has been the biggest blessing for you during this season?

Ashley: The biggest blessing I have experienced is getting to spend more time with my little sister and having time to learn to cook. 

Nataly: My biggest blessing during this time has been the fact that no one in my family has gotten the virus. Thankfully, everyone in my household is considered an essential worker, but this comes with the risk of catching the virus. It is dangerous because many people have not been listening to the rules and keep going out. It’s a scary thought, but we have to face it every single day. 

What was the biggest dream that you had to let go of during this time because of the virus?

Ashley: The biggest dream that I’ve had to let go of was my graduation and attending friends’ graduations. It was really hard not knowing that the last day we went to school before spring break was our last day as seniors. 

Nataly (right) and Bethany during pajama night!

Nataly (right) and Bethany during pajama night!

Nataly: My biggest dream that I had to let go of was walking the stage at graduation. When I was younger, I dreamed about attending Sumner Academy. Once I was accepted, it was my dream to walk the stage. I was excited to be able to show my mom the value of all the sacrifices she had made for my future. Sadly, it has been canceled and my mom and everyone who helped me in life won’t ever see me walk the stage. 

What are your plans for the next year, and what is something that you are looking forward to in the future?

Ashley: Hopefully, I will be able to go to college next year and receive an associate’s degree. I hope that by that time the quarantine will be over and will be a thing of the past. I want to make my family proud by getting my degree and starting my career. 

Nataly: My plans for next year are to continue working and attend college. Because of this virus, being able to save up for college has been difficult. This is why I have decided to attend JCCC in order to save money and continue my education. I will be able to work while studying which will hopefully help me in the future when I transfer to KU. One thing I look forward to in the future is being able to attend church again. I miss seeing the same families every week and staying after to talk. Another thing I look forward to is being able to go out and see my friends before they leave. Most, if not all of my friends are leaving Kansas City to go to college. I was going to use this semester and summer to spend time with my friends that are leaving and now that probably won’t be possible. 

It is so encouraging that even in the midst of such struggle, these two young women still have hope. God has been so present during this time in our community and through their resilience,  we can trust there are still good things to come!

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Calm in the Storm: Week 5

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 5: Adapting and Innovating
by, Phul Maya Rasaily, Ministry Apprentice

Spanish Translation 

This time of year has been difficult but innovative for me. I love to share my life and Jesus with kids and youth from my community. However, due to the pandemic, I wasn't able to continue doing it the way I had before. I miss seeing the students and volunteers on Monday evenings for Arts Community. I am trying to stay connected with the students by calling their parents to check in on them. I have encouraged a few students to begin taking musical instruments home to continue practicing. I have also been having Bible study with a few Nepali girls. This is a continuation from last year where we would go to fast food restaurants, have Bible study, and share and encourage each other to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ.

Phul Maya leading Bible Study a few month ago.

Phul Maya leading Bible Study a few month ago.

Since last month, I have been staying home to abide by the social distancing regulation, but this has disturbed our regular Bible study gathering. I wanted to keep having a Bible study with a group of people because it helped strengthen my faith, and I enjoyed it. So, I used my time at home to think outside the box and start something different. For the past two weeks, the Arts Community volunteers and I have been meeting on Zoom for a Bible study. This study has brought us closer as a community and allowed us to bond and support one another.  I am also participating in a Zoom Bible study with my cousin Anjana. I use this time to disciple her and encourage her. This inspired her to do the same thing with her cousin, Khadge, who lives in Washington. I am amazed to see the seeds Jesus is planting during hard times like this.

Through this online Bible study, I have been able to be a part of someone’s life who lives hundreds of miles away from me. This new journey of online Bible study keeps me energized and gives me something positive to do. The discipling is better than I had ever imagined! I have gotten to know my volunteers more and share a closer relationship with them now. Anjana and I have strengthened our bond and are comfortable sharing our weaknesses and strengths. Even in the midst of darkness, the Bible studies and my relationship with Anjana have become a spark of light in my life. 

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Calm in the Storm: Week 4

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 4: Light in the Darkness
by, Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Spanish Translation 

What is happening on the front lines among immigrants in the Mission Adelante community? This is a question that many of our friends and partners have asked during the current crisis. To better answer this question and to know how best to respond, Mission Adelante conducted a survey of Wyandotte County residents, gathering data from over 300 respondents during the first week of Kansas City’s stay-at-home order. The results were eye-opening and highlighted the intense challenges vulnerable communities face. These two observations stood out:

  • A staggering 85% of immigrant families had lost income by the first week of the shut-down. The number for native-born families was 53%.  

  • Only 21% of immigrant families had health insurance for all members of their families. This compared to 67% of native-born respondents.

Yolanda, Yanelis, and Bernabe at our annual retreat.

Yolanda, Yanelis, and Bernabe at our annual retreat.

In the midst of these challenges, there are bright lights beaming in our community. Yolanda is one of those bright lights. Her faith, tested through the fire of many previous trials, has produced a kind of steadfastness and resilience that shine in times like these. Last week, during a Google Hangouts meeting with our church community, Yolanda’s words of truth and encouragement stood out as a beautiful example of faithfulness and peace. “I was reading in Psalms this morning”, she said. “I don’t remember which verse it was, but it said something like this, ‘En paz me acostaré y así mismo dormiré, porque solo tu Dios me haces vivir confiado.’” Yolanda had quoted Psalm 4:8, and her words were just what I needed to hear personally. Her sense of peace revealed a depth of faith that had been seasoned through walking with Christ in many difficult situations. 

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” - Psalm 4:8

During a time when my own sense of peace seems to swing back and forth several times each day, the Lord showed me once again how blessed I am to live and participate in this community of people from all places. As a pastor and ministry leader, I’m working to shepherd and care for the small flock the Lord has entrusted to me during this time. But, the beauty of this is that I am also part of a community whose vibrant faith encourages and lifts me up when I’m down.  

Enjoy this song about Psalm 4:8 by Daniel Calveti

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Calm in the Storm: Week 3

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 3: Losing and Learning
by, Yanelis Lopez, Ministry Director

Spanish Translation 

  Trying to write these days has become an arduous task. Being out of my daily routine makes me feel lost and puzzled. These last few weeks have been “interesting”, to say the least. Reflecting on these times, I have discovered that I have been in the midst of deep mourning for the loss of many lives (even though I don’t know them, it hurts deeply). I have also been grieving the loss of many things that I have taken for granted. I realized that sometimes in life we not only mourn for the people we love and lose but also many other things.

And what have I lost? Well, the certainty of feeling healthy and without imminent danger. Now, as soon as a strange itch or pain in my throat appears, I begin to worry. I’ve lost the freedom to decide to go to a public place (especially on these sunny days) and just walk around surrounded by people. I’ve lost the ability to go shopping at the market without first having to draw up a plan on how to disinfect everything once I come back home. I’ve lost being able to visit friends and families without fear of touching each other, hugging, or even having a close conversation. If I continue with the list of things I took for granted, it would not end. And that is because life has truly changed completely. However, in the midst of all the challenges of this time I have also learned a lot.

What have I earned? Greater awareness of what really has value in life - the deep desire to be with the people I love most. I’ve spent many hours alone with my thoughts discovering what I really believe and what I don't. Because when the possibility of death is close to you and yours, is when all our beliefs and concepts are really put to test. More than anything I’ve earned the absolute certainty that even when everything has gone out of control, the God who controls everything protects me in the center of His hand. Honestly, that has been my only way out. Leaving my thoughts completely to Him, I have not known how to do anything else. Everything is going to be fine, and I am sure that at the end of all this, we are truly going to be a different generation.

 Psalm 73:25-26 “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail,  but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

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Calm in the Storm: Week 2

Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith

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Week 2: Love One Another Through Difficult Times
by, Laxmi Gurung, Refugee Kids & Youth Coordinator

Spanish Translation 

     My family moved to Pennsylvania in January 2020. I’m really close to them and we have always lived together. The sudden move was difficult for me. I didn’t like being without them but it was also helping me to grow as an independent 21 year-old. I began learning to do a lot of things on my own and making my own decisions. After my family moved, I wanted to visit them during my spring break where I get a week off from school and work. It was a perfect time for me to go see my family so I booked my ticket. But things changed quickly, and I couldn’t decide what to do.

 I was frustrated because I didn't want to miss this chance to be with my loved ones and I also didn't want to risk their life because of my one decision to travel at this time. I kept going back and forth thinking about what I should do. I prayed a lot about it, asking God to help me make the right decision. I also asked some of my close friends for advice. Some told me to stay and some told me that I will be fine. As the flight day came closer and closer, I started feeling panicked and nervous. I kept reading and watching the news which only made me feel more scared and didn't help me at all. At this moment all I could do was continue to pray and get closer to God because He knows everything better than anyone. 

As a believer, there have been some times that I haven’t been so faithful and try to take control of the situation, but I couldn't do that now. Whatever was happening was not in my control and I had to trust God fully and believe that He was in control and he would protect me. The Bible verse that helped me during this time was: 

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 


After I kept praying to God and listening to Him, I felt He had given me strength. All the anxiety I had felt started to fade away. I talked to God and asked Him to protect me during my flight and allow me to see my family. I flew and arrived in Pennsylvania on March 16. I followed all the procedures to stay safe like frequently washing my hands, using hand sanitizer, etc. I also asked my dad to just come by himself to pick me up from the airport and prepare a room for me to stay in quarantine for a week. Now it has been more than two weeks and my family members and I are healthy. I really believe that His grace has kept us all safe. Now that I'm with my family, I'm staying right where I am and waiting until it is safe to travel again.

Even though I'm far away during this time, I'm finding that technology has allowed me to continue to stay connected with the youth and volunteers I lead.  Each week we've been connecting on a video call to continue sharing and studying together. Who would have guessed that a time of such difficulty could still bring ministry fruit? Trusting Him gives me the most relieving feeling that unfortunately not everyone can feel at this moment. I pray that through these difficult times everyone that doesn’t know Him, including my family would get to know Him. He is the only hope that we have left. As believers, we all need to unite as one and help each other because we all are in this together. We need to pray for other people that don't have homes, families, food, jobs, and those that are suffering in hospitals. Let's keep everyone in our prayers and actually do something to show the love of Christ. This is the time for Christians to shine by helping others. We know that our God is bigger than this and He's always there for us. Let's not create this difficult time harder by panicking but instead praying more and trusting in God with all your heart.

 Honestly, I have never felt closer to Him as I do now. This time has been helping me a lot to reflect on things that I have neglected before. I started to appreciate the little things and enjoy the relationships I have with others around me. I pray and hope that all people will feel the same way. And when everything ends, we can all come together as one and love one another as He loves us.

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Calm in the Storm: Week 1

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Special Eight-Week Series: 

Calm in the Storm 

Navigating rough waters in faith


Week 1: A Sudden Storm
by, Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Spanish Translation 

     The storm came up suddenly.  Peter was not used to being taken by surprise on the water, after all he had grown up on the lake and knew it like the back of his hand.  It had been a peaceful evening and a little excursion across the lake offered a perfect respite from the agitation of recent days.  Normally the lake meant work for Peter; he was a commercial fisherman.  But this evening, he and his friends were getting away.  They had been in the middle of so much activity, controversy, excitement- Jesus had suggested a little retreat across the lake to rest and renew.     

     Just after sunset, the wind came up out of nowhere and clouds thundered in over the hills.  Peter and the crew knew what to do; they trimmed the sails and steered into the oncoming waves to keep the boat from rolling.  But it wasn't long before things started to get out of control.  Despite a lifetime of experience, they were overwhelmed by the chaos of weather that was being unleashed on them.  Waves crashed over the sides of the boat and it was all they could do to stay stay on their feet.  Peter had been taught to have a healthy respect for the water, but for the first time in his life, he was terrified. 

     "Where's Jesus?", John shouted through the driving rain.  Could Jesus really be sleeping through this?  James shook him awake while the rest of the crew continued battling the storm with every ounce of strength they had.  "Don't you care if we drown!", exclaimed James over the roar of the water.  Jesus saw the fear and exhaustion in their eyes.

     The storm went as quickly as it came.  All it took were a few words from the mouth of the Living Word.  "Quiet! Be Still!"  The disciples had seen Jesus do miracles- healing, changing water into wine, casting out demons.  As astounding as those things were, they somehow seemed fit into a different mental category- magic tricks, medicine, psychology. Giving orders to Mother Nature, stopping a storm in its tracks, telling the wind and waves to calm down- there was really no place to file this.  As much as the storm had caused them fear, the power of Jesus terrified them even more.  And, somehow, Jesus had expected them to be calm.  "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?”, he asked. 

     The world and the lives of nearly every human being on the planet have been overcome by a storm, friends.  It's unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes.  It was sudden.  It's overwhelming.  It's threatening lives, healthcare systems, businesses, organizations, jobs, churches, and so many individuals and families.  Where is Jesus?  

     As the founder and leader of a ministry and community centered around a vulnerable population, this is a sobering and turbulent time.  The needs of our neighbors, the needs of the ministry itself and our employees, the needs of my own family- they all cry out together pleading, "where is Jesus in the middle of the wind and the waves?"  And yet, I look back at my life and the history of our ministry and I remember the miracles and the astounding provision of God over so many years.  If you look back at your life, hasn't He done the same for you? 

If I'm honest, friends, I have to confess that I've shed tears in the last week.  There is a deep sense of grief over things that have already been lost and things that will undoubtedly be lost in the future.  And yet, in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, I have an unusual sense of hope and expectation.  It's the expectation that Jesus will stand up and say “Quiet! Be Still!”.  That He'll do miracles again.  That He'll provide for needs.  That He'll reveal His loving-kindness and His power in new and astonishing ways.  Do you have this hope?

This storm came on suddenly.  Let's navigate its rough waters together in faith.

Empowering Others

Diva is pictured (center) after she had lunch with the L.I.T. (Leaders in Training) kids.

Diva is pictured (center) after she had lunch with the L.I.T. (Leaders in Training) kids.

Written by Megan Fountain

When you first meet Diva, there is an infectious positivity about her that makes you want to smile. She is the kind of person that brings energy and joy wherever she goes. I first met her over six years ago when I attended a dance class called Zumba where she was the instructor. Her story, her heart, and her love for the KCK community inspires so many of us. She is a strong, Latina leader in our community and she encourages me with her love for those she serves!

Diva came to Kansas City from México in the hopes that she could find a better life for her children and better opportunities for her family. She shared with me that after her second child was born, she hit a low in her life and was diagnosed with postpartum depression. She didn't want to take the prescribed drugs but instead found Zumba. Zumba helped Diva with her depression and she was able to lose all the extra weight she gained during pregnancy. However, her transformation didn’t stop there. Diva realized she could help others struggling in difficult situations as well and her heart for teaching began.

The Zumba classes that Diva leads aren’t just a place to exercise. Diva creates a community and a family that encourages each other. She helps sponsor fundraisers for people battling cancer. She motivates the community to be healthier and more confident. The community helps each other not only in their fitness goals but with the different challenges life puts in front of them.   

Diva says her favorite part of the class is, “...being able to witness the joy on people’s faces when they nail something they were struggling with! Zumba also allows me to explore my creativity as I play with the right combination of music and dance steps.”

When I think of empowering leaders making a difference in our community, I think of Diva because she is able to create unity in a variety of environments. Recently, she had lunch with our leaders in training (L.I.T.) kids. As she shared her story, I could see that the kids resonated with her words. She understood many of the struggles that the kids have endured and she turned challenges into a way to bless others. When I asked her what she says to herself when life gets tough, she told me, “Push through the struggle, the light at the end of the tunnel is closer than you think!” 

Diva is pictured in the front row in the shorts after a Zumbathon to help a student battling cancer.

Diva is pictured in the front row in the shorts after a Zumbathon to help a student battling cancer.


  • Adelante Thrift is looking for a summer social media intern! This intern will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator and will create content showcasing their volunteers and volunteer activities. Applicants must live in Kansas City, KS and be a high school student in good standing. The application deadline is April 30th. Apply here:

  • Arts Community is always looking for art supplies for students to use on Monday evenings. They are in need of supplies like paper, glue, paint, yarn, etc. Please contact Phul Maya to drop off donations:

Five Years at Adelante Thrift


Written by: Alex Ruybalid, Partner Engagement Director

A thrift store provide a neighborhood with a low-cost place to support their family, a fun shopping experience, and most of all - community. 

Stop-in any day at the thrift store at 37th and State Avenue, and it is sure to brighten your day. Between the racks of used clothes, the shoes, and rows of books at Adelante Thrift, you will find some of the most genuine people. 

Elizabeth Torres, Interim Manager

Elizabeth Torres, Interim Manager

“My journey at Adelante Thrift started by pure coincidence. I happened to be shopping for luggage when my mother and I stumbled into Elsa, former store manager,” said Interim Store Manager, Elizabeth Torres.  “I have had the pleasure to work with and serve some of the most kind hearted people. The staff is kind of like a family. We all support each other, whether it’s here at the store or in our personal lives.” 

Ernesto and Jesus unloading donations.

Ernesto and Jesus unloading donations.

From the cashiers in front, to the drivers in box trucks - that support and unity is evident in each team member. In just the last five years, Adelante Thrift has invested $1.1 million dollars back into these employees through staff salaries. The energetic atmosphere has led to $2.2 million in sales in that same time frame. Throughout the last five years, 25,000 volunteer hours have been invested sorting clothes, cleaning, and donating.  

Next Saturday (March 14th), we want to invite you to our store to take a big deep breath, look back, and celebrate what the last five years have meant to our neighborhood, families, and this city. 

“This free event will have children’s crafts, face painting, balloon artistry, fire trucks, police cars, and the KCKPL bookmobile with their button-making station,” explains Jessica Boling, Volunteer Coordinator at Adelante Thrift.  “There will be free food from Brown Sugar and Subway as well as free coffee from Splitlog Coffee. Come out for free food, free kids crafts, free face painting, and a whole lot of community!”

We want to take a day to say thank you to our neighbors, friends, families, and to YOU. Thank you so much for supporting Mission Adelante and Adelante Thrift. 

“Time keeps moving forward, new customers, new employees but our purpose stays the same and that’s what makes Adelante Thrift a light in our community. Happy 5-year Anniversary, Adelante Thrift!”  - Elizabeth Torres 

Learn more about our Five-Year Anniversary Fiesta! -

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For the First Time


Written by Phul Maya Rasaily, Ministry Apprentice

Leading Arts Community has been a huge learning step for me because I had never led anything before. Getting out of my comfort zone was not as bad as I thought it would have been. After realizing how much I have gained from trying something new, I knew I wanted to encourage my volunteers to do the same. Now, I am learning to encourage my volunteers to lead alongside me. Below, one of my volunteers shares about teaching a Bible lesson for the first time!

Getting ready for a big performance!

Getting ready for a big performance!

“My name is Marlena and I am a dance teacher at Arts Community. On February 3rd,  I taught my very first bible lesson to the kids. I was going to be teaching about when Jesus healed a paralytic at Capernaum. Asking my friends and colleagues at Mission Adelante for resources and help on how to best present this to children from 3 to 18 years of age, was weird for me. I usually tend to listen rather than present in religious circumstances. Phul Maya was kind to give me a couple of sources so I could begin to plan how to present. 

Treats and smiles after performing!

Treats and smiles after performing!

Planning my lesson was the most challenging part of this experience. A big question came to mind: Would anyone be offended or would it be enjoyed? I wanted the students to focus on more than just remembering to be helpful. I wanted them to see the story for what it was about: love, trust, and having faith. Having the students participate in the storytelling is always fun and tends to be memorable. I was glad to see that the students didn't mind me playing Jesus (me being female) and didn’t mind my pet lovebird playing the paralyzed person (who did great by the way).

I was afraid that this way of telling a story would be a bit unorthodox, but the beauty of children is that they are pure of heart. They are full of innocence, something that us adults either lose, tend to forget, or both. Seeing their reactions and how they take on the story gave me a sense of comfort. My personal thoughts and perspective didn’t matter to them. What mattered most was that this lesson was accepted by them and it was something that I had enjoyed! This lesson ended up having more value than even I could have imagined! This is an example of what some may say is to just have a little bit of faith. It's a reward within itself!”

I am excited about what God is doing through Marlena in Arts Community. I hope that her first experience teaching a Bible lesson will inspire others to do the same. 

Laxmi and Marlena smile for the camera before Arts Community begins.

Laxmi and Marlena smile for the camera before Arts Community begins.


  • Adelante Thrift is looking for a summer social media intern! This intern will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator and will create content showcasing their volunteers and volunteer activities. Applicants must live in Kansas City, KS and be a high school student in good standing. The application deadline is April 30th. Apply here:


  • Thinking about serving at Mission Adelante? Join them the first and second weeks of March for observations! Come find out what services they provide for their community and what program would be the best fit for you! Pick a date and sign up to observe here:

Supporting Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Our Neighborhood

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Written by Alex Ruybalid, Partner Engagement Director

“Immigrants are about twice as likely as native-born citizens to start new businesses”  - Kauffman Foundation, 2015

Just looking out your window driving down State or Central Avenue makes this statistic ever more clear. But don’t let the explosion of business and community in this county fool you -  the road to starting a business is not easy. The most common hurdles facing immigrant entrepreneurs in Wyandotte County are the language barriers, and, subsequently, the lack of awareness of resources. 

Small Business Workshop

Small Business Workshop

On a cold Monday night in January, 110 individuals and four unique language translators huddled into the basement of the Bethany Community Center to take the first steps towards overcoming these hurdles. Led by Gabe Munoz of Forward Cities, the Small Business Workshop featured a talk on securing local grants, talks from local funding agencies, entrepreneur-aid, and other networking groups. Shoulder-to-shoulder, aspiring business creators (90% of which had not previously met for any outside help in starting their business) took the first steps towards making their dream into a reality.


“I never thought about running my own business before because I felt it was something unattainable for someone like me. I don't come from money, my parents are not college graduates..” said Liley Villazan, the driven entrepreneur. “My plan is to open a manicuring, esthetics, and cosmetology school. It will be a stepping stone for new beauty industry business owners.“

90% of attendees had not previously met for any outside help in starting their business.

90% of attendees had not previously met for any outside help in starting their business.

The initiative in Wyandotte County has put their wheels to the ground to support and guide Wyandotte entrepreneurs such as Liley. Besides these workshop events, Gabe also hosts open hours at Central Library to work one-on-one with aspiring business owners and act as the critical bridge between them and the massive support network for entrepreneurs in Kansas City. 

Over the last several years, Mission Adelante has been investigating ways we can help fan the flame of immigrant entrepreneurship.  Now is the time! We’ve locked arms with Forward Cities and a handful of other local organizations and businesses to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in our community that will help encourage and equip minority business owners to flourish in our growing local economy. 


“Entrepreneurship shouldn’t be harder based on your skin color, your zip code, or who your parents are – but the truth is that it is.” - Kauffman Foundation, Breaking Down Barriers Report 

Forward Cities Entrepreneurship Planning Meeting

Forward Cities Entrepreneurship Planning Meeting

Over cups of coffee in our chapel the past several months, the recurring theme in our workshop planning conversation is how important it is for resources to be available to immigrants in a language they can understand, and for the support to be individualized, consistent, and here for the long-haul. We are looking to the past to see what works, what does not, and how we can go from talking about helping people start businesses - to actually doing it.

That is where change happens.

Businesses represent a future, represent hope, and represent a thriving Central Avenue, State Avenue, and beyond. Entrepreneurship represents dreams, aspirations, and hard work. Immigrant and marginalized entrepreneurs are cut from this cloth, and make up the most beautiful parts of this Kansas City mosaic. We are excited to continue to partner with Gabe and Forward Cities to continue to grow these initiatives to support our neighbors and friends!


“Now I feel like being a business owner is something I can do… My children seeing me accomplishing my dream with ESHIP and Gabe’s help is changing the way my children see themselves vs the way I saw myself when I was their age. Having ESHIP and Gabe is going to change this community’s mindset completely.”

Want to see a Forward Cities event in action, or do you know an entrepreneur that needs to be there? Learn more here -

Mi Dulce Paz/ My Sweet Peace

Carla (far left) with apprentices and summer interns at Top Golf.

Carla (far left) with apprentices and summer interns at Top Golf.

Written by Carla Flores, Ministry Apprentice

I have been a part of the Mission Adelante staff for a year and a half now. It is crazy to think about all I have experienced in that short time frame. From leading a group of interns for the first time to learning more about who I am as a person, it has been magnificent. Before I began working here, I knew about Jesus but I didn’t have a close relationship with Him. Now, I can say that He is my confidant, my protector, and above all, my Savior. 18 months ago, I was stuck in a bad place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I felt like I didn’t know what to do with my life, and I lacked motivation and confidence in myself. When I began creating a relationship with Jesus, that turned around drastically. Now, I’m not saying that by believing in Him I’m free from ever having problems. But instead, when a problem arises now, I have someone to run to, cry to, and pour out my heart to in the most beautiful way. 

I have always had a hard time with my anxiety. It often stops me from being myself around others and it is hard for me to create relationships. The last few months of 2018 were no different. I had just received my associate’s degree from KCKCC and I knew I wanted to get my Bachelor’s in Education. Since I am ineligible for federal aid or grants, I would have to pay for tuition out of pocket. I felt like that would be impossible. I had been working as an accountant for a while and I felt like it was not the right job for me. I felt trapped and I lacked the motivation to do anything about it. At the same time, I felt pressure from everyone around me to do something with my life. At the same time my boyfriend, Daniel, had received an offer to be part of an apprenticeship at Mission Adelante. We were discussing whether he should take it or not, and I asked him to pray that I would find something similar. Never in a million years, would I have thought that 2 months later Jarrett Meek would offer me a position in the same, exact apprenticeship. Talk about the power of prayer! Jarrett’s daughter, Caroline, had mentioned my writing skills (Thank you, Caroline! <3). I was thrilled and after meeting with Jarrett, I was on staff as a Communications Apprentice! 

Slowly, through our huddle time (where we study God’s Word three times a week), mentoring with others on staff, and our apprenticeship huddle (a time where we can ask questions about faith) I began creating a relationship with Jesus. The relationship wasn’t immediate, in fact, it took quite some time. I was hesitant to open my heart to Him and I had many, many questions. The awesome part is that I had found a place where I could simply be myself and share my doubts openly. The rest of the staff was patient in answering my questions and their experienced faith gave me a different perspective. 

Today, there are still days filled with doubt, but now I pray that God continues strengthening by faith in Him. There are still some days where my anxiety gets the best of me, but now my trust is in Him who will never abandon me. With the help of Mission Adelante, I was also able to begin my journey in obtaining my bachelor's degree. In just a few months, I will be graduating and following my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher to students in Wyandotte County. God reminds me every day of the power of prayer and of His immense love and grace. A song we sang this Sunday at house church sums up the way I'm feeling now, “Yo tengo un nuevo amor, el corazón me late sin parar, hay uno que me ha dicho te amo de verdad, Jesús mi amor y más que amor mi dulce paz. (I have a new love, my heart beats endlessly, One who has told me: I truly love you. Jesus, my love, but more than love, my sweet peace.”


  • Adelante Thrift is looking for a summer social media intern! This intern will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator and will create content showcasing their volunteers and volunteer activities. Applicants must live in Kansas City, KS and be a high school student in good standing. The application deadline is April 30th. Apply here:

  • Thinking about serving at Mission Adelante? Join them the first and second weeks of March for observations! Come find out what services they provide for their community and what program would be the best fit for you! Pick a date and sign up to observe here:

Reflection: The Samaritan Woman


Written by Yanelis Lopez, Ministry Director

At Mission Adelante, we believe that being connected with God as a community and as staff strengthens us and enables us to be more effective in ministry. That is why as part of our work routine, we meet for one hour, three days a week to pray and study His Word.

Every week there is something that impresses me from our reading. Recently, Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4 has impressed and touched my heart. There is so much to learn from that passage and each time I read it I learn something new. These past few days, I have been thinking about and focusing on these two ideas specifically: 

1. The flexibility Jesus has with his time

The rush of this life sometimes scares me, we always have something to do. There is always a project or a goal to fulfill. In the eagerness to mark something “done” at the end of the day, we can forget the most important thing, the people around us. There are only three eternal things in this life: God, the Word of God, and our souls. This also makes me think: Which of these am I dedicating my life and time to? What is my priority? Do I invest in what is eternal? I take a moment to stop, look at the people around me, and understand that everything else is temporary. What I decide to do in my relationships is what lasts forever.

2. An open heart to God is the principle of true worship

Jesus is the Truth. How am I going to worship the Truth without being honest? How do I appear before Him trying to hide something without exposing the deepest part of me? The only possibility of truly worshiping God is to open the soul in the most real and truest way possible. Finding ourselves and revealing our brokenness is scary, but it is the only way to meet Him.

I enjoy our huddle time as a staff team because it leads me to deep, thoughtful reflections like these. They are powerful and help me see God’s Word from a different perspective.

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  • Cleaning out your home for 2020? How about donating some of those items to Adelante Thrift? They are located at 3720 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102 and are always in need of clothing for men, women, and children. Stop by and drop off your donations Monday through Saturday from 9:30am to 6:30pm!

  • Adelante Thrift is looking for a summer social media intern! This intern will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator and will create content showcasing their volunteers and volunteer activities. Applicants must live in Kansas City, KS and be a high school student in good standing. The application deadline is April 30th. Apply here:

Overlooked | How Immigrants Are Saving Our Cities from the Inside Out

Introduction by Jarrett Meek, Pastor/Executive Director/Founder, Mission Adelante, Inc.

Are immigrants a blessing or a burden?  That’s one of the more contentious questions being tossed around our current cultural moment.  As Christ-followers, we’ve been shown how to recognize the value in people others have rejected.  Jesus saw something special in Levi while he was still sitting at his tax booth—it wasn’t long before Levi’s friends were sharing a meal in his home with Jesus.  When he spoke with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, Jesus saw into her heart and beyond; his vision included fields ripe for the harvest. It wasn’t long before this unlikely woman would lead an entire town to Jesus.  Our Lord has a habit of making heroes out of marginalized people.  

Viewing immigrants through this lens has led us to tell a different kind of story about our neighbors from other countries.  Even beyond seeing these newcomers as people in need of compassion, it became clear to us that our friends from all places were bringing something of incredible value to our inner city neighborhood: revitalization.  Over the last fifteen years of doing ministry in this community, I have seen this neighborhood transformation with my own eyes. The people I came to serve are serving and changing lives. They are becoming leaders in churches.  They are starting businesses and fixing up homes. Our neighborhood is safer and more vibrant because they are here.  

When you’re up close, the human stories are powerful and plentiful, and the community impact is notable.  Even so, I was surprised when the story revealed by the data from my research matched so consistently with what we are seeing in real life; immigrants are saving our city from the inside out.  “Overlooked” is our attempt at telling this story in a way that will challenge others to see immigrants from a new perspective—not as a burden, but as a blessing.