I am learning so much more than I anticipated as a Mission Adelante ESL volunteer. I am getting to know someone on a personal level and hope I am making a real impact in her life. She has certainly made an impact on mine.
A Trimester to Remember!
How You Can Support Teachers
Playing for God
A Wonderful Year in Citizenship Class 🇺🇸
Yanelis López-Our Associate Director
The Joy of Citizenship
A Prayer for the Teenager
The Blind Onlookers - John 9
From our summer intern Mikya
Rockstar Volunteers
Yaimara's Story
The Strength of Community
3 Ways Jenny Yang Challenged Me
My Faith Over the Years
Leadership Training Update
Video Update on Mission Adelante
If it has been a little while since you have been to Mission Adelante, watch this video for a glimpse into what we have been up to!
We are so thankful for the way the Lord has provided financially for Mission Adelante in every season. Each year, we am amazed at the surprising ways God brings the resources we need to continue moving forward in our mission. This year, we set the goal of raising $180,000 in the final two months of the year, to bring us across the finish line and meet our 2021 annual budget. As of December 9th, the Lord has already provided $72,000 toward this goal! We’re well on our way!