Celebrating Diversity — mission adelante

Celebrating Diversity

Written by David Stetler, Bhutanese Outreach Director

Kansas City is a amazing place filled with wonderful sights to see, fun things to do and a rich history that make it what it is today.  We believe one of its most increasingly attractive characteristics is its people.  Our city has a growing population of immigrants who come with so much to offer and so many dreams.  Our friends from other places come here with a desire to start a new life.  Many have faced a struggle or hardship--sometimes even oppression--in their homeland and have come here to escape those challenges.  

You don't have to look very far to see the beautiful diversity in our city, whether in Mission Adelante's English classes, our after-school Leaders in Training programs for the kids, or our house churches that meet weekly.  The main road of our neighborhood is lined with numerous ethnic markets and restaurants owned by entrepreneurial-minded immigrants and refugees.  Right around the corner is the New Roots for Refugees garden where you might see farmers from several different countries growing and watering their crops.  Last week, five teams, each representing a different nation, competed in the Nations Cup KC soccer tournament.  At the end of each summer Mission Adelante hosts parties at Wyandotte County Lake Park where we get to experience a combination of Latino culture, American culture and Bhutanese-Nepali culture.

If you have ever watched the Olympics, I'm sure you remember the various nations that come together to compete in the games.  It's a huge celebration, not just of the games, but also of the beauty of cultures coming together.  We CELEBRATE that at Mission Adelante, as well.  We enjoy the foreshadowing of what it might be like some day when "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."  What an amazing assembly that will be!

Prayer needs:

  • Continue to pray for Representatives in Congress who are listening to evangelical interest in immigration reform.  Pray for them to pass legislation that will keep families together and provide ways to allow undocumented immigrants to come out of the shadows.
Current needs:

  • We're in the process of setting up a brand new library for the Leaders in Training (LIT) students, and hoping to have it finished by the first week of September. Do you know of someone that would be interested in helping to paint some bookshelves or maybe even buy some bean bags or decorations to make it cozy?  Please contact Megan at meganm@missionadelante.org.
  • Want to hang out with some fun kids and make a big impact? We are looking for volunteers for our Leadership development program and also for our Outreach Bible Study! Opportunities are available Monday-Thursday.  Please contact Megan if you are interested.  meganm@missionadelante.org.

Important dates:
  • Volunteer Orientation & Training: Saturday, September 21, 9:00-12:30 All volunteers should attend this training once at the beginning of serving with Mission Adelante. It's also a great way for someone to become familiar with Mission Adelante's ministry. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about what we do, and about our volunteer opportunities, please plan to attend/encourage him or her to attend this informative training. 
  • All Volunteer Huddle & Dessert: Monday, September 23, 6:30 p.m. We encourage everyone that will be volunteering with us during our fall trimester to attend so we can prepare for a great launch. 
  • Summer trimester programs launch: Week of September 23
