Embracing Love and Service Together
Embracing Love and Service Together
by Yanelis Lopez, Associate Director
Whenever I have the opportunity to write an article, I love sharing about what's happening in our church, and the main reason is how proud I feel to belong to a flourishing community that is so focused on pursuing the great commandment, "To love God and those around us"... there is nothing more important than this!
In a world often marked by self-interest and individual pursuits, with everyone focused on their own needs and their family's situation, our church group stands out for its commitment to service. Our church has truly embodied the essence of a serving heart!
With the arrival of summer, several weeks ago, Shannon Hernandez (Operations Director) asked for help from everyone in the community to beautify the garden of Mission Adelante. Our community immediately wanted to participate, and despite a week of hard work, they were there to support. These times always bring so much more than just a day of work; it's an opportunity to converse, celebrate, laugh, and enjoy each other's company.
Thank you, friends, you are an example of love and service to me!
Siempre que tengo la oportunidad de escribir un articulo me encanta compartir sobre lo que esta pasando en nuestra iglesia, y la razon fundamental es lo orgullosa que me siento de pertenecer a una comunidad que florece y esta tan enfocada en perseguir el gran mandamiento “Amar a Dios y a quienes nos rodean”... no hay nada mas importante que esto!
En un mundo a menudo marcado por el interés propio y las actividades individuales, todos enfocados en sus propias necesidades y la situación de su familia; nuestro grupo de la iglesia se destaca por su compromiso con el servicio. Nuestra iglesia verdaderamente ha encarnado la esencia de un corazón de servicio.
Con la llegada del verano, hace varias semanas Shannon Hernandez (Director de Operaciones) nos pidió a todos en la comunidad ayuda para embellecer el jardín de Mission Adelante. Nuestra comunidad enseguida quiso participar, a pesar de una semana trabajando fuerte, allí estuvieron para apoyar. Estos tiempos siempre aportan mucho mas que un día de trabajo, es una oportunidad para conversar, celebrar, reir y disfrutar de la compañia uno con los otros.
Gracias amigos, ustedes son un ejemplo de amor y servicio para mi!
JULY 10 -13
Are you interested in taking the next step to volunteer?
Take a glimpse of what is going on at Mission Adelante and what we are doing in our different programs.
This is a great opportunity to have the full experience of a Mission Adelante volunteer.
For more information visit: www.missionadelante.org/observe
Be part of our programs!
We are so excited to start this summer trimester and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?
How can you help?
Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.
Volunteer – Come to Observation Nights. For more information visit: http://www.missionadelante.org/serve
Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.